Teresa Onoda


Teresa Onoda, a renowned California landscape painter, captures the vanishing beauty of the state's farms, forests, and vineyards in her plein-air works. With a Fine Arts degree from Creighton University, she honed her skills studying under artist Pam Glover. Known for her vibrant colors and dynamic technique, Teresa's art reflects a commitment to preserving landscapes threatened by urbanization.

Rooted in the legacy of "The Society of Six," a Bay Area art group from the early 1900s, Teresa draws inspiration from the artistic lineage passed down through generations. Her connection to Pam Glover, a pupil of the Society's founders, underscores the enduring tradition of plein-air painting in California.

Beyond the canvas, Teresa entered public service, serving as Mayor and Vice Mayor of Moraga. Advocating for land preservation, she successfully spearheaded an ordinance protecting open spaces in 2018. Currently Mayor, Teresa continues to champion sustainability, ensuring a vibrant future for both residents and wildlife in her community.